My #1 Reason Why AI Does Not Worry Me As A Writer.

You've likely never heard this reason.

Before ChatGPT, we had to come up with ideas entirely on our own.

I don’t mean to get all “back in my day” on you, but I remember being a kid, notebook open on my lap, scribbling down all the stories I wanted to write next.

Once I had an idea, I’d whip out a sticky note pack and make a stick figure flipbook of my favorite one.

Only after that—once I had seen it, felt it—I would actually write the story out.

I was a weird kid.

Today, the process is unrecognizable.

I go to my computer, click the AI folder on my Chrome dashboard, pick the AI of choice, and drop in a random thought: “Hey, brainstorm with me.”

I always get asked if I, as a writer, am afraid of AI.

Afraid of what it will become.

Afraid of what we (humans) will become as a result.

My answer is simple: kernel.

Ideas are simple kernels.

Welcome to Christian Story Lab.

If you’re new here, my goal with this newsletter is simple:

  • I want to help Christians write better books.

  • I want to help Christians write better copy.

  • I want to help Christians preach more engaging sermons.

  • Ultimately, I want Christians to tell better stories.

And like it or not, AI is at the table. It’s in the room. It’s part of the conversation.

"Welcome, AI. Please, have a seat. We want to talk to you today about kernels."

AI: “Actually, let me.” (clears throat, stands, prepares PowerPoint)

(flips to the first slide) "A popcorn kernel has a hard outer shell called the pericarp, which protects the starchy interior.

(flips to the next slide) Inside every kernel is a tiny amount of water (about 14-20% of its weight). This is key to the popping process.

(clicks on a laser pointer) When kernels are heated, the water inside turns to steam, causing pressure to build. Once it reaches about 180°C (356°F), the shell can no longer contain it. As the pressure reaches its breaking point, the kernel bursts open, flipping inside out and expanding up to 40 times its original size.

(flips to next slide) Once popped, the fluffy pieces are gathered and shared.

(faces the table) Would you like me to turn this into a metaphor for your newsletter?"


No. No No.

You’re missing the point, AI.

I’m talking about kernels as ideas.

Let me bring this closer to home for you, dear reader.

Every night, my boys ask to make popcorn. We pull out the machine. Pour in the kernels. Add the butter. Flip the switch. And watch the magic happen.

Their little eyes light up every single time.

Why? Because watching kernels turn into popcorn is magic. Not science. Sure, there is science hidden behind the magic, but the magic captures my boys.

This is how ideas work.

A kernel is a raw concept. Mere potential.

But with thought, skill, and humanity, it takes on form, flavor, and life.

Ideas are important, but they’re also a dime a dozen.

Always have been.

Now, with AI in the room, ideas can be generated even faster. More kernels, more data, more raw material. But without the benefit of a skilled human, an idea is just a kernel.

Or worse—just the facts about a kernel.

Hard. Tasteless. Inedible.

It needs heat to become something usable.

It needs a warm body.

This is why I bring up a kernel whenever people ask me about AI.

AI can generate ideas, but it can’t bring the heat. It can’t write a sermon that punches the gut, draft a book that changes someone’s thinking, or tell a story that makes a little kid’s eyes light up like magic.

That needs me.

That needs you.

Write on 🤙


P.S. I’ve got to give a shoutout to my friend Maria and her newsletter, The Lunch Break. If you’re serious about writing online and love a fun, engaging bite-sized read, you’ll love it. It’s easily one of my favorite emails to open every week.


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