The Box That Changed Everything (And How You Can Get Yours)

The box was heavier than I expected.

When it landed on my front porch, my boys eagerly tried to haul it inside. Both gave it their best shot. Both failed.

Then it was my turn.

I’m a writer. I’m not exactly known for my strength….

…so I scooted it across the floor to the kitchen table. No shame.

Some moments nestle into your memory like birds finding a home in a tree.

  • The first kiss with my wife on a bridge in Oklahoma City.

  • The first sounds my boys made after they were born.

  • The taste of the $100 steak we ordered on our 10th wedding anniversary.

  • And the sound of opening that heavy box.

A box filled with over 100 copies of my first book.

That’s a moment I want for you 👆

But here are the stats: Over 82% of Americans dream about writing a book, but less than 1% do.


Because critics are loud, self-doubt creeps in, and the path to publication feels overwhelming. Being a creator is so much better than just consuming, but it’s a hard path.

That’s why I’m thrilled about our live event today with Christian writing coach Niels C. Kwakernaak. Niels has boiled the book-writing process down into six simple steps. 

Follow these steps, and you’ll have a book that’s deep, focused, and well-organized.

I wish I had Niels when I started writing my book.

And the best part? We’re sharing it with you for FREE.

↳ No upsells. No catch.

Just straight value from someone who knows the process inside and out.

Join us LIVE today at 11 AM EST on Zoom.
Here’s the link to hop on:

Don’t let that dream of yours stay stuck in your head.

Let’s get it on paper and maybe even into a box of your own one day.

Write on 🤙



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